IT Professional
Executive Leader

Hi I’m Tim
I have been working with leading-edge companies to be more competitive and effective in their industries.
I specialize in developing business roadmaps that leverage technology to create and support change management from within. I accomplish this through a focus on business process re-engineering, project management, architecture and design, business case development and problem-solving.
With over 30 years of experience in IT, my guiding principle remains simple:
See a problem, fix a problem.
I am a very proud to be a veteran Infantry Officer of the Canadian Armed Forces.

In the Absence of Leadership be the Leader
Aide-mémoire For Change Leaders
ISBN: 978-1-0689954-0-8
PDF Version$29.95 | Printed Version39.95 | ePub Version$29.95 |

The Publisher
Kestrel Publishing
A website and publishing company dedicated to accurate and informed histories on Canada’s military aircraft.